No: 195, 4 August 2012, Press Release Regarding the Resolution on Syria Adopted by the UN General Assembly

At a time when the situation in Syria is acquiring a more tragic dimension each day, we welcome the adoption on 3 August 2012 of the resolution submitted to the UN General Assembly by the co-sponsorship of more than 60 countries, including Turkey, with 133 votes in favor. The support lent to this resolution by such an overwhelming majority constitutes a flagrant indication that the conscience of the international community will no longer remain indifferent to the bloodshed and tears in Syria, and that as long as the people continues to be subjugated to violence and oppression in Syria, acting in solidarity, the international community will resolutely stand against the regime which is responsible for these atrocities.

The international community has emphasized through this resolution that an orderly political transition process must be initiated in the country; condemned gross and systematic human rights abuses of the Regime which is trying to suppress, by use of violence, the rightful and legitimate demands of the Syrian people; underlined that those responsible will not be able to escape from being held accountable and made clear that it will continue to stand by the people of Syria until they eventually achieve their legitimate demands.

The Syrian Administration, by comprehending without delay the strong message delivered by the international community through this resolution, must promptly fulfil the requirements of the resolution without creating a need for further measures. It is not possible to stand before the will of the people. A futile war waged against the people can only result in a higher civilian death toll. The sooner the people of Syria reaches its legitimate demands, the quicker Syria will reach stability and be able to walk, with confident steps, towards a prosperous, bright future. To this end, Turkey will continue its support for the aspirations of the Syrian people for democracy, human rights and freedom.