Foreign Minister Davutoğlu delivers a lecture at Dicle University in Diyarbakır.
Foreign Minister Davutoğlu delivers a lecture at Dicle University in Diyarbakır.

Mr. Ahmet Davutoglu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey delivered a conference entitled “Great Restoration: Our New Political Approach from Ancient to Globalization” on March 15, 2013 at Dicle University in Diyarbakır.

Foreign Minister Davutoğlu stressed that the today a transformation of civilizations including the greatest transformations and the biggest crises in human history is witnessed and said “Whole humanity is in search of something new. There is a great need of restoration. International order is falling into ruin and has lost the ability of responding crises. Advances in technology can impact significantly not only biological but also spiritual psychological future of the humanity. We need philosophy, intellectual studies more than ever. We should produce new solutions.”

Pointing out that while humanity and international system are experiencing a general restoration, our region is also faced with a great restoration Foreign Minister Davutoğlu said “It's neither just a matter of international relations nor just a matter of domestic politics. It is a matter of building a new mindset in all aspects.”

Foreing Minister Davutoğlu emphasized that it is aimed at being among the top 10 world economies in 2023, the 100th anniversary of the Republic.

“However who will be the other nine countries? Almost all of these nine countries will be continent-sized countries. So how will we compete? … we have only one option. We will respect the boundaries, but we will not let the boundaries building walls around us. We will make these boundaries meaningless together with the current and future governments representing the will of its own people within the transition process in the Middle East. For this reason, we are trying to abolish visas.” said Foreign Minister Davutoğlu.

Foreign Minister also said “We aim to building historical partnerships in our region, developing a new political mindset based on this partnership and undertaking a leading role in the great restoration of the humanity. That is why we make every effort in the UN, that is why we seek a new regional order. On what this regional order will be based? Common security, multicultural structure, cultural interaction, mutual economic dependence and understanding of common fate… We will develop an understanding of common fate not only for Turkey but also for our region. We will establish a new political mindset based on the historical values and the understanding of common fate.”