No: 152, 02 June 2012, Press Release Regarding the UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Syria

The massacre committed on 25 May 2012 by the Syrian security forces in the town of Houla, province of Homs, has been engraved in the history of mankind as a dark stain.

Upon the call made by Turkey and a group of countries, the UN Human Rights Council held a special session yesterday (1 June) in Geneva to discuss this massacre which constitutes a grave crime against humanity.
The resolution which was adopted at the end of the session by 41 votes in favour versus 3 votes against and 2 abstentions, condemns in the strongest possible terms the use of force against the civilian population, and in this context the killing of 49 children under the age of 10, states that this incident constitutes a violation of the commitments of the Syrian Administration under UN Security Council resolutions 2042 and 2043, calls upon the Syrian Administration to cease violence and human rights violations in the country and also requests the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria to conduct a special inquiry into the massacre in Houla, to identify those responsible for the atrocities  and to hold them  to account.
Turkey will continue to work with the Syrian people and the international community towards ending the Syrian regime before it causes further inhuman atrocities and destruction, and ensuring as soon as possible the establishment of democracy and stability in the country in accordance with the legitimate demands of the people. it is a solemn expectation from the international community  to display its resolve to stop the current trajectory of developments in Syria and to take  necessary further measures.