No: 250, 23 September 2013, Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attacks Perpetrated in Peshawar, the Capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province

We have learned with deep sorrow that at least 78 people lost their lives, including women and children, and more than 120 people were injured in two consecutive suicide attacks perpetrated against the "All Saints Church" in Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, yesterday (22 September 2013) in Pakistan.

We wish God's mercy upon those who lost their lives in the attacks, convey our condolences to their families and hope for a speedy recovery of the wounded.

Turkey strongly condemns any kind of terrorist act targeting peace and security and aiming at destroying the internal stability in brotherly Pakistan.

On this occasion, we express once again our strong feelings of solidarity with the brotherly Government and people of Pakistan.