No: 254, 26 September 2013, Press Release Regarding the MIKTA Initiative

H.E. Mr. Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, who is participating in the United Nations’ 68th General Assembly accompanying H.E. Mr. Abdullah Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey, attended the first ministerial meeting of the “MIKTA” initiative held in New York on 25 September 2013. This initiative has been undertaken with the aim to establish an informal consultation and collaboration platform between Mexico, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Turkey and Australia.

The five countries participating in MIKTA platform, all of them members of the G-20, are open economies enjoying democratic pluralistic systems. These five countries, which are active actors in their regions, significantly contribute to regional and global peace and stability and pursue similar constructive approaches in the face of international challenges. This platform is considered to have the potential to make important contributions with a view to facilitating constructive solutions to regional and global challenges, increasing the efficiency of global governance and implementing the necessary reforms in global structures.

During the first MIKTA meeting held at Ministerial level, it was agreed to remain in closer cooperation and collaboration within the G-20 and other prominent international organizations and platforms, to further develop bilateral relations among the five participating countries, to determine the concrete fields where cooperation can be advanced in the framework of the initiative and to work in these fields.

Turkey will continue to contribute to this significant initiative with the understanding that the MIKTA platform could fill an important gap in the international arena and could facilitate the solution of major contemporary issues thus contributing to global peace, stability and prosperity.