No: 26, 24 January 2012, Press Release Regarding the Decision taken by the Arab League about Syria on 22 January

The alarming degree that the number of the loss of lives has reached due to the suppression, through violence and collective punishment, of the demonstrations staged by the people of Syria in accordance with its legitimate demands, continues to raise serious concern and outrage.

Turkey wishes to see the opening up of the way for the transition process leading to a free and democratic Syria in accordance with the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people.

In this context, we attach importance to the stance adopted and the efforts exerted by the Arab League by putting forward a solution plan in view of the crisis unfolding in Syria which threatens not only the stability of that country, but also of the whole region.

We regard the last decision adopted by the Arab League Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs yesterday (22 January) in Cairo about the situation in Syria as yet another indication of the determination of the Arab League to find a solution to this crisis through regional ownership.

This decision taken in view of the findings and recommendations contained in the report of the Arab League monitoring mission deployed to Syria has demonstrated that the Syrian Administration has not been acting in good faith and constructively in implementing its obligations.

In this context, the Syrian Administration must immediately put an end to the violence, withdraw military forces from all cities and settlements, release all political prisoners and allow the Arab League monitors and international media to operate freely in the country.

This decision constitutes a strong final warning for the full implementation of all elements of the Arab League’s initiative by the Syrian Administration and calls for the necessary steps to be taken immediately to reinforce the Mission in terms of number of staff and technical capacity so as to ensure more efficient verification of whether these obligations are fulfilled properly or not.

The decision also exposes, through the road map that it contains, the fact that the situation in Syria is unsustainable and envisages a gradual political transition process in the country. It is evident that the applicability of this road map, first and foremost, depends on its adoption also by the Syrian people.

All international actors must act with single voice and resoluteness in view of the alarming levels that the situation in Syria has reached and started to threaten regional peace and security. In this respect, we deem appropriate the decision of the Arab League Ministerial Council to increase its contacts with the UN Secretary General, other regional states and the member states of the UN Security Council.

The call for support by the UN Security Council for the road map contained in the Arab League decision which was adopted yesterday should not be left unanswered and it should be underlined that the international community is determined to fulfil its responsibilities in view of the situation in Syria that seizes us all with pangs of conscience.

The fact that Syria has rejected the Arab League decision increased our concerns further. The international community must give the message, without delay, to the Syrian people that they are not alone in the face of the violence and oppression policies to which they are exposed.