No: 69,1 March 2012, Press Release Regarding the UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Syria

As a result of the attacks carried out by the Syrian security forces with heavy weapons against the besieged cities, the death toll has escalated and led to a humanitarian crisis causing pangs of conscience in the international community. In response to this situation, the draft resolution on “Human Rights and the Humanitarian Situation in Syria”, submitted under Turkey’s leadership to the 19th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, was adopted yesterday (1 March) by 37 votes in favour versus 3 votes against.

This resolution constitutes a clear and strong expression of the fact that the international community will not remain indifferent to the increasingly deteriorating humanitarian situation and grave human rights violations in Syria.

The resolution strongly condemns the widespread human rights violations throughout the country. In this context, the resolution states that the brutal actions of the Syrian Administration such as its attacks against residential areas, which have led to the death or displacement of thousands of people as well as a humanitarian crisis situation, complicating daily lives of the people, are unacceptable.

Stating that the serious problems faced by the Syrian people regarding access to food, medical equipment, fuel and health services are causing deep concerns, the resolution emphasizes the necessity to deliver humanitarian assistance to Syria and to provide unimpeded access to health services in order to meet the basic needs of the people.

The resolution also calls upon the Syrian Administration to immediately put an end to all human rights violations and attacks targeting civilians, and to provide the UN and other humanitarian agencies with unimpeded access to the country in order to allow them to carry out an on-the-ground assessment of humanitarian needs and to deliver humanitarian assistance to all civilians affected by violence, particularly those living in cities under siege.

In view of the strong message delivered by the UN Human Rights Council, the Syrian Administration must immediately put an end to its atrocities and violence committed against the civilian population, allow safe and unhindered access of humanitarian aid into the country to be delivered to those in need, and grant authorization to the visit of UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos to Syria.

Supporting the endeavors of the international community to overcome the humanitarian crisis in Syria under UN’s leadership and coordination, as it has done so until now; Turkey will continue to do her utmost in order to end the sufferings of the Syrian people.