No: 95, 30 March 2018, Press Release Regarding the 5th Turkey-U.S. Defense Industry Trade Dialogue

The 5th session of the Turkey-U.S. Defense Industry Trade Dialogue, initially launched in Washington, D.C., in 2014, was held in Ankara on March 30, 2018.

Representatives of the Turkish General Staff, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Economy, and Defense Industry Undersecretariat, and officials from the U.S. Department of State, Department on Defense, and Department of Commerce participated in the first session, which was organized by representatives from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and U.S. Department of State. Several U.S. and Turkish defense industry companies participated in the afternoon for the second session of the day.

Participants reaffirmed the commitment of Turkey and the United States to address shared security and defense trade goals for the benefit of each nation, and discussed current developments in the Turkish-U.S. defense industry, possibilities for cooperation between the two countries, and potential joint undertakings.