No: 170, 15 June 2019, Press Release Regarding the Joint Declaration Adopted at the Sixth MED7 Summit

We reject the statements regarding the Aegean, Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus issues, which are biased, unrealistic and contrary to the international law, in the joint declaration adopted at the Sixth Summit of the Southern European Union Countries (Med7) held in Malta on 14 June 2019 with the participation of France, Italy, Spain, Malta, Portugal, Greece and the Greek Cypriot Administration.

The said statements reflect the maximalist national positions of the Greek Cypriot Administration and Greece, which are incompatible with both the United Nations principles for the settlement of the Cyprus issue and the international law. These statements do not have any value, meaning or effect for us.

This declaration provides yet another regrettable example of how the Greek Cypriot Administration and Greece abuse their EU membership and how some of the members of the EU have become instruments of these acts.

The current situation also clearly exposes the reason why the EU and the EU members cannot be regarded as impartial and reliable actors within the settlement of the Cyprus issue.

The countries who have signed the said declaration in the context of the Cyprus issue should remember that not only the Greek Cypriots, but also the Turkish Cypriots are living on the Cyprus Island; realize that the Cyprus issue can only be resolved if the political equality of the Turkish Cypriots is ensured and the security needs of the Turkish Cypriots are met; and understand that the reason behind the failure of the settlement of the Cyprus issue for 56 years is the unwillingness of the Greek Cypriots to share the power and wealth. Moreover, they should acknowledge that the Turkish Cypriots have equal rights on the natural resources of the Island.

The support given to the maximalist maritime jurisdiction area claims of the Greek Cypriot Administration in the said declaration is indeed a direct violation of the international law. As we emphasized before, neither the EU nor any member of the EU can validate a maritime boundary claim by issuing judgments like a court. Furthermore, the Greek Cypriot Administration who hijacked the rights of the Turkish Cypriots, who are the equal co-owners of the Island, cannot be considered as a normal state.

Finally, we would like to remind the international community once again that our determination to protect our rights within our continental shelf and the equal rights of the Turkish Cypriots on the hydrocarbon resources of the Island continues as before, and that we have taken necessary steps to this end and will not hesitate to do so.