No:242, 24 October 2011 Press Release Regarding Libya’s Declaration of Liberation

We welcome the successful conclusion of another phase in Libya’s arduous struggle for freedom, justice and democracy by the friendly and brotherly Libyan people and the declaration of Libya’s Liberation in Benghazi on 23 October 2011. On the occasion of this most fortunate and historic day, we extend our congratulations to the people of Libya.

This outstanding achievement by the Libyan people at the expense of heavy prices constitutes a ray of hope and a source of inspiration for nations struggling for democracy all around the world.

Turkey believes that the National Transitional Council (NTC) of Libya, which is recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people by Turkey, will successfully advance the democratization process in a manner that will embrace all segments of the Libyan people on the basis of the Road Map announced by the NTC last August.

Turkey has been extending every support to the Libyan people from the very beginning in their struggle initiated with rightful demands. Turkey will continue to provide every kind of support to the new Libya in her steps directed towards the creation of a country based on democracy, human rights, freedoms and the rule of law.