No: 53, 13 March 2019, Press Release Regarding the Brussels-III Conference to which Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu Will Participate

H.E. Mr. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs will participate in the Foreign Ministers session (14 March) of the EU-UN co-chaired “Brussels-III Conference on Syria” in Brussels on 12-14 March 2019.

The conference will aim at supporting the countries hosting Syrians, including Turkey, as well as the efforts for finding a UN-facilitated political solution to the Syrian conflict. The Conference is the main platform for financial pledges for Syria and the countries in the region, where the donor countries will also declare their financial contributions for the period ahead.

During the Conference, Turkey will share detailed information on her contributions to Syrians under temporary protection and raise her expectations from the international community in line with burden- and responsibility-sharing.

Minister Çavuşoğlu will also hold bilateral meetings with his counterparts in the margins of the Conference.