Our Kinsmen in Romania/Türkiye-Romania Bilateral Cultural Relations

According to the 2021 census, nearly 40 thousand of people from Turkish and Turkish Tatar origins live in Romania. Romanian legislation provides certain rights to national minorities to enjoy and preserve their language, religion, culture and ethnicity, as well as to receive an education in their mother tongue. Our Turkish and Turkish Tatar kinsmen living in Romania are among the 18 officially recognized minority groups and benefit from their constitutional rights through the Unions they established. Romania's positive approach towards our kinsmen sets an example for some other countries in the region.

Our kinsmen enjoy the right to have a representative in Chamber of Deputies of Romania. The Turkish minority is organized under the umbrella of the Romanian Democratic Turkish Union (RDTB) and the Turkish Tatar minority is organized under the umbrella of the Democratic Union of Turkish-Muslim Tatars of Romania (RMTTDB).

Endorsed by bilateral agreements, Türkiye continuously provide educational support for Turkish and Turkish Tatar communities living in Romania via Medgidia Kemal Atatürk National College and Constanta Zübeyde Hanım Kindergarten. Turkish Maarif Foundation, in addition to its school in Bucharest, continues its preparations to open a new school in Constanta.

The Romanian-Turkish and English-Turkish departments of Ovidius University of Constanta also play an important role in the framework of the mother tongue education of Turkish and Turkish Tatar communities. A seconded language instructor from Türkiye works at the Ovidius University to support the educational needs of our kinsmen.

Yunus Emre Institute Cultural Centers in Bucharest and Constanta have been providing Turkish language education, various courses and activities for Romanian public since November 2011. Likewise, Dimitri Cantemir Romanian Cultural Center organizes important cultural events in Istanbul.

TİKA Bucharest Coordination Office conducts projects aimed at improving development cooperation between Türkiye and Romania in cooperation with the Romanian authorities. TİKA also works in the field of culture to restore the structures from our common cultural heritage.

There are several periodicals in Turkish published by Turkish citizens or our kinsmen in Romania. Additionally, "Radio T", which was launched in 2009 to meet the needs of Turkish and Turkish Tatar communities, continues its broadcasting activities.