We are deeply concerned by the fact that the ceasefire brokered by the contributions of the Egyptian authorities last month is violated and the tension in the Gaza Strip is re-escalating after the air strike carried out by Israel on a car in travel in the Gaza city on 8 December.
In this context, we strongly condemn the disproportionate and indiscriminate attack conducted by Israel on the civilian populated areas in Gaza in the morning of 9 December, in response to the rocket and mortar attacks from the Gaza Strip to Israel. We are deeply saddened by the loss of life of a civilian and the injury of many civilians, majority of whom are children, in the attack.
Wounds opened in good conscience of the international community by the belligerent Israeli policies towards the Gaza Strip have yet to heal. Re-escalation of violence in the region will not benefit to any party on the side of peace.
In this context, we expect all sides to immediately end violence and to act rationally, in moderation and with sense of responsibility.