NO:143 - 9 August 2008, Press Release Regarding the Suicide Bomb Attack in Iraq

Killing of at least 20 and wounding of 25 people due the suicide bomb attack that happened in Telafer town of Musul city in Iraq yesterday (8th of August) caused us great grief. It has been reported that the number of dead and wounded might unfortunately increase. Turkey officially conveyed to Iraqi authorities that it stands ready to provide any kind of help for the immediate evacuation and treatment of the wounded –if need be.

This abominable act of terror that took place in a market place proved once again that terrorism is a crime against humanity and is a threat that necessitates a joint international struggle. While condemning this heinous act that aimed to disrupt Iraq’s unity and integrity; to halt the improvement in security in the country and to cause mayhem among the different ethnic and religious groups who are in fact the co-owners of their homeland Iraq, we extend our condolences to the friendly and brotherly people of Iraq.