Bilateral Political Relations between Türkiye and Yemen

Türkiye enjoys deeply rooted historical and cultural ties with Yemen, supports Yemen’s peace, stability and territorial integrity and exerts efforts at all platforms in this respect.

Since the outset of the ongoing crisis in Yemen, Türkiye has supported resolution of the problems through peace and dialogue and on the basis of respect for legitimacy. Since the forceful seizure of Sana’a and government institutions by Houthis, Türkiye has been supporting the legitimate Yemeni Government and advocating an inclusive political settlement on the basis of the established parameters, namely UN Security Council Resolution No. 2216 (2015), the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference (NDC) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Initiative. In this regard, Türkiye continues to support the efforts of the UN towards a political solution and closely follows those efforts.

In this regard, Türkiye welcomed the Stockholm Agreement reached at the end of the UN-facilitated intra-Yemeni consultations held on 6-13 December 2018 in Sweden. Türkiye also welcomed the agreement reached between the Yemeni parties upon the initiative of the UN in April 2022, which lasted six months and expired in October 2022.

Türkiye supports the Presidential Leadership Council, a broad consensus body established in April 2022.

Türkiye also closely follows the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Yemen and continues to provide humanitarian aid, in order to help alleviate the suffering of brotherly Yemeni people.

Upon the invitation of H.E. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the then-President of the Republic of Yemen H.E. Abdrabbuh Mansour Al Hadi paid an official visit to Türkiye on 16-18 February 2016. President of the Presidential Leadership Council of the Republic of Yemen, H. E. Rashad Muhammad Al-Alimi and H.E. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met on 19 September 2022 on the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York.

The then Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the Republic of Yemen, Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak visited Türkiye on 21-24 December 2022 upon the invitation of H.E. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye.