Türkiye’s relations with TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia)
General information about TRACECA

TRACECA is an intergovernmental programme that aims at developing international transport and ensuring socio-economic growth in the Black Sea, Caucasus and Central Asia. The basis of the Programme has been established in 1993 at the Brussels Conference with the participation of the EU Commission and the Governments of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Ukraine and Moldova joined the Programme in 1996 and 1998 respectively. Bulgaria, Romania, and Türkiye became TRACECA members in 2000, followed by Iran in 2009. Including Lithuania which obtained observer status at TRACECA in 2009, the Programme covers 14 countries today.

TRACECA is a regional transportation network and aims at developing economic, trade and transport communications.

TRACECA also constitutes an Intergovernmental Commission according to the Basic Multilateral Agreement on International Transport for Development of the Europe-the Caucasus-Asia Corridor” (MLA) signed at the 1993 Baku Summit and approved by 12 countries.

TRACECA consists of the Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) TRACECA, Permanent Secretariat of the IGC TRACECA (PS IGC TRACECA), National Commissions, Permanent Representatives of the PS IGC TRACECA (National Secretaries) and working groups.

Although the operational body of the IGC is the Permanent Secretariat in Baku/Azerbaijan, National Secretaries reside in their respective countries as Permanent Representatives.

The 6th Intergovernmental Conference held in Astana in 2007 decided to promote dialogue and cooperation between the organization and the European Commission in order to extend the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) to the neighboring and Central Asian countries. The 7th Intergovernmental Conference in return asked the Secretary General to present a report within 6 months.

Besides various documents, the Draft Concept of Reform of the PS IGC TRACECA prepared by the Permanent Secretariat in collaboration with the member states, the Concept of Development of Road Traffic Along the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia, Increase of Competitiveness and Attractiveness of TRACECA Road Routes and the Statute of the PS IGC TRACECA are approved at the 8th Intergovernmental Conference held in Brussels on 13 October 2010. Moldova’s National Secretary Eduard Biricuov has also been appointed as Secretary General at the elections held during the Conference.

Türkiye’s place in TRACECA

Transport sector occupies a special place in the Turkish economy, since Türkiye resides at the intersection of Asia and Europe, surrounded by the Black Sea, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.

Türkiye, due to its transport infrastructure, is one of the most active members of TRACECA.

Türkiye continues the works to present its transport potential to the Eurasian transport network and prioritize the elimination of congestions at the international traffic and border crossings by implementing several projects including Marmaray, Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, and high speed trains, divided roads, Black Sea Coastal Road, second tube crossing in Istanbul and 12 logistics centers around the country.