Press Releases, Statements, Notes/Articles and Letters INITIATIVE BY TURKEY ON CYPRUS, 24 JANUARY 2006 Cyprus a reminder CYPRUS: WHAT HAS HAPPENED? Highlights of the UNSG´s report Cyprus (Historical Overview) What the World Said Before the Referanda What the World said After the Referanda The Annan Plan and the Greek Cypriot “NO”: False Reasons and Claims Greek Cypriot state terror revealed Confidence Building Measures (1992-1994) Meaningful Anniversary Of The Cyprus Peace Operation Turkish Parliament Proclaims Solidarity With TRNC And Demands Equal Treatment For The Two States On The Island Resolution By The Turkish Grand National Assembly On 21 January 1997 Circular Note Sent To The Embassies Of The EU Member States Concerning The Greek Cypriot Application To The EU, 30 June 1997 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on the establishment of an Association Council Resolution Adopted By The Legislative Assembly of The TRNC March 9, 1998 Aide-Memoire By The TRNC To The British High Commission In Nicosia, 26 March 1998 Documents Given By President Denktas To The UN Secretary-General During Their Meeting In Geneva- 28 March 1998 Resolution of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, 15 July 1999 Treaty Provisions And Basic Documents With Regard To The EU Membership Of Cyprus British Professor of International Law Prof. H. Mendelson Q.C.'s opinion on the legal aspects of the one-sided membership application of the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus to the European Union Final communique of the annual coordination meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the States members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference ( United Nations, New York 28 September 2004, 14 Shaa'ban 1425 H - para. related to Cyprus) Report of the Secretary-General Kofi Annan on his Mission of Good Offices in Cyprus, 28 May 2004 Report of the Secretary-General Annan on the United Nations operation in in Cyprus, 3 December 2007 The Status of the Two Peoples in Cyprus Edited By Necati Münir Ertekün Greek Cypriot Attempts To Purchase Missiles From Russia And The Resulting Danger For The Peace And Stability In Cyprus EU and Cyprus:An Expert View Opinion of Professor M.H. Mendelson Q.C on the Application of “the Republic of Cyprus” to Join the European Union Grand Deception, Korkmaz HAKTANIR, Founding Member of the Cyprus Foundation '' BARBARIE A CHYPRE '' Le Soir Illustré 1967 The Need for New Perspective on Cyprus
16 March 2002 International Herald Tribune: A Common Vision for Cypriots (By Ismail Cem)

A Common Vision for Cypriots

The two parties in Cyprus are in a process of dialogue. Can it bring about a mutually acceptable solution? That is extremely difficult for both sides.

Since the 1980s, global ideological trends are toward fragmentation of societies. There is exaggerated promotion of subcultures and "ethnic rights." Societies have been encouraged to split along ethnic lines. Even countries or regions which came into being as a result of divisions are inclined to subdivide.

To deviate from this overall trend in Cyprus is hard. There are two different nations, cultures, religions, languages and states, and a heritage of mistrust and bloody feuds.

In order to move forward in the process of dialogue, I believe that an effort by the two leaders to reach a common vision for the future of Cyprus and to define the end result that they want to achieve is the essential first step. Unless there is a common vision and an agreement on the end result, the process will most probably be unsuccessful.

On the contrary, if there is a common understanding on the end result, conditional on overall agreement regarding all pending issues, then addressing difficult and intricate matters would be facilitated. Once the concrete goal is in perspective, agreeing on parts would be encouraged.

What I envisage here is a different method of addressing the issue of Cyprus. The method pursued until now, which consists of dealing first with all core subjects in the hope that once they are settled the final setup will emerge, has been used by the United Nations for three decades. The result is persistent failure.

What would facilitate a positive outcome would be for each party to respect the other's main sensitivity. Each has a basic stance that it can never abandon.

For the Greek party, it is the confirmation of a single international personality to represent Cyprus in international relations and forums. For the Turkish party, it is the confirmation of two equal separate states, each as a sovereign entity, forming through an agreement a new partnership state.

Obviously that is not all; both sides have other serious concerns that they regard as basic. Nevertheless, if the two parties can converge on an end result, with the understanding that nothing is agreed upon until everything is agreed upon, then proceeding with all other matters would be feasible.

Neither party would expect the other to give in on its vital concern. The goal would not a trade-off but merger of both parties' core stances.

The path toward a settlement that would save everybody - Turkey, Greece, the European Union, Turkish Cypriots, Greek Cypriots - from trouble seems to be the following:

  •  Agree on a merger of the basic stances of both parties: a new partnership state representing both nations of Cyprus on matters for which it is empowered through an agreement between the two constituent states.
  •  Agree on the powers and functions to be given to the partnership state.
  •  Agree on all matters that the parties consider as vital.

Turkish and Greek Cypriots should not take up more of each others' time if they are not able to create a common vision for a common future. I believe they are able. It still is not too late.

The writer is the foreign minister of Turkey. He contributed this comment to the International Herald Tribune."