Press Releases, Statements, Notes/Articles and Letters INITIATIVE BY TURKEY ON CYPRUS, 24 JANUARY 2006 Cyprus a reminder CYPRUS: WHAT HAS HAPPENED? Highlights of the UNSG´s report Cyprus (Historical Overview) What the World Said Before the Referanda What the World said After the Referanda The Annan Plan and the Greek Cypriot “NO”: False Reasons and Claims Greek Cypriot state terror revealed Confidence Building Measures (1992-1994) Meaningful Anniversary Of The Cyprus Peace Operation Turkish Parliament Proclaims Solidarity With TRNC And Demands Equal Treatment For The Two States On The Island Resolution By The Turkish Grand National Assembly On 21 January 1997 Circular Note Sent To The Embassies Of The EU Member States Concerning The Greek Cypriot Application To The EU, 30 June 1997 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on the establishment of an Association Council Resolution Adopted By The Legislative Assembly of The TRNC March 9, 1998 Aide-Memoire By The TRNC To The British High Commission In Nicosia, 26 March 1998 Documents Given By President Denktas To The UN Secretary-General During Their Meeting In Geneva- 28 March 1998 Resolution of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, 15 July 1999 Treaty Provisions And Basic Documents With Regard To The EU Membership Of Cyprus British Professor of International Law Prof. H. Mendelson Q.C.'s opinion on the legal aspects of the one-sided membership application of the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus to the European Union Final communique of the annual coordination meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the States members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference ( United Nations, New York 28 September 2004, 14 Shaa'ban 1425 H - para. related to Cyprus) Report of the Secretary-General Kofi Annan on his Mission of Good Offices in Cyprus, 28 May 2004 Report of the Secretary-General Annan on the United Nations operation in in Cyprus, 3 December 2007 The Status of the Two Peoples in Cyprus Edited By Necati Münir Ertekün Greek Cypriot Attempts To Purchase Missiles From Russia And The Resulting Danger For The Peace And Stability In Cyprus EU and Cyprus:An Expert View Opinion of Professor M.H. Mendelson Q.C on the Application of “the Republic of Cyprus” to Join the European Union Grand Deception, Korkmaz HAKTANIR, Founding Member of the Cyprus Foundation '' BARBARIE A CHYPRE '' Le Soir Illustré 1967 The Need for New Perspective on Cyprus
Cyprus Mail - 15 March 1998 Hugo Gobbi: Some Clarifications


Having read the comments about my opinion published in your newspaper, I would like to clarify one point.

The reunification of Germany and Yemen was easy to obtain because the separation was due to political reasons, not ethnic conflicts. Political or social differences are transitory factors, but ethnic differences are far more difficult to overcome.

The Cyprus Mail made a very important observation, that my suggestion of partition rewarded aggression. I have some considerations about the subject.

First, not all acts of evil have evil consequences.

Second, I am against all foreign intervention. But we have to analyse without emotion the consequences of a specific act of aggression. Without passion and with a cold heart.

Let us imagine two hypotheses.

A) Suppose that the Turks withdrew and the status quo ante bellum was restored. Greeks and Turks would return to their homes. The 1960 socio-legal stage would be recreated.

The Constitution of 1960 is, for the Greek Cypriot side, completely unfair, as Makarios recognised. It is more than unfair, it lies at the origin of the conflict.

Positive consequence

No refugees. Greek Cypriots enjoying Kyrenia and elsewhere. I don't deny that this would be a magnificent consequence. To underestimate this situation would be inhuman.

Negative consequences

  1. Possible recreation of old ghosts and intercommunal struggles. Life from 1960 to 1974 was far from the Garden of Eden.
  2. Greek Cypriot prosperity will be seriously threatened as a consequence of the need to improve Turkish standards of living. The example of the German case, and the Korean analysis against unification are impressive.
  3. More important than all these, the Greek Cypriots will have to abandon their present free determination and return to shared determination. Remember that even Makarios did not endure Turkish vetoes and he had to elaborate the 13 proposals.

You must realise that a shared determination was, and is, utopia. If you don't realise that you are deceiving yourselves.

B) Suppose my ideas prevail. (Rethinking Cyprus)

Negative consequence

Some refugees do not return to their homes. With my plan, this would be less than 10 per cent of the Greek Cypriot population, but everybody nevertheless accepts that is a very significant negative factor.

Positive consequences

  1. End of the intra-Cypriot cold war and possibility of common enterprises and dialogue. With prudence, the problem of refugees and the 3 freedoms can gradually improve.
  2. No more intercommunal struggles. Greek Cypriot life is now more secure than almost all nations in the world.
  3. Greek Cypriot prosperity will increase. Cyprus and Israel have the best income per capita in the whole area.
  4. The most important achievement, self-determination without any control. Looking only to a common Hellenic destiny.

I consider that my second hypothesis is reasonable, because land for peace is a universal and accepted experience. Of course I don't ignore the sacrifices that this involves. But the return to the status quo ante bellum to the 1960 situation, means more sacrifices for a larger quantity of population.

It will be the return to a utopian or an impossible shared determination. All ways that propose common determination are condemned to failure.

The last election proves that people in Cyprus are abandoning old elites, old schemes and prejudices, they are looking ahead, thinking only for a Hellenic future. They have confidence in their own strength, not in solutions with foreign partners.

One last thing; 15 years after my departure from Cyprus I am still trying to find a national solution for this beautiful island. Perhaps my suggestions are not the best, nevertheless, it shows that part of my soul is in Cyprus.

Hugo Gobbi,

Buenos Aires Argentina

(Hugo Gobbi is a former United Nations Secretary General's resident representative in Cyprus)