Upon receiving information that a resolution, referring to the events of 1915 as "Armenian Genocide” emanated from the Senate of Chile, on 5th of June, appropriate demarches have been made with the Chilean authorities. As a result of these contacts, it was understood that the above mentioned document was not a resolution or a bill, but rather a letter, prepared in accordance with the procedures pursued in the Chilean parliamentarian system which permits to the parliamentarians to express their views to the President of the Republic on any specific issue. Furthermore that letter was signed only by a group of senators and it was not binding legally or politically. These facts have also been confirmed by a letter of Mrs. Bachelet, the President of Chile, addressed to our President and by a Verbal Note sent to our Ministry by the Embassy of Chile in Ankara.
The great importance attached by Chile to the good relations with Turkey and desire to further improve these relations are also emphasized in the letter of Mrs. Bachelet. This wish is also shared by our Ministry.