Upon the invitation of Mr. Hakan Fidan, Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye,
Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat
, Minister of Trade of the Republic of Türkiye and
Mr. Abdulkadir Uraloğlu,
Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Türkiye, the
second Trilateral Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs,
Trade/Economy and Transport/Infrastructure of the Republic of Türkiye, the
Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Uzbekistan was held in Ankara on
29 January 2025 with the participation of
Mr. Jeyhun Bayramov
, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
Mr. Bakhtiyor Saidov
, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Mr. Mikayil Jabbarov
, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
Mr. Laziz Kudratov
, Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Mr. Rashad Nabiyev, Minister of Digital Development and
Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan and
Mr. Ilhom Mahkamov
, Minister of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Ministers (hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”);
Emphasising the strong strategic partnership between the three countries
based on the principles of mutual respect, trust, common interest, and
shared historical and cultural bonds;
Reaffirming the firm and unequivocal support of their States for each
other's sovereignty, territorial integrity and the inviolability of their
international borders;
Adhering to the Charter of the United Nations and universally recognised
principles and norms of international law;
Recognising the growing importance of developing and promoting joint
projects in the fields of trade, investment, industry, energy, transport
and logistics, digital connectivity and communications;
Welcoming the contribution of the outcomes of the First Meeting held in
Tashkent on 2 August 2022 to the further deepening of these relations;
Reiterating the importance of the "International Trans-Caspian East-West
Corridor" (hereinafter referred to as the Middle Corridor), as a transport
route passing through the territories of Türkiye, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan
and noting its significance for increasing the transit potential of these
Emphasising that it is necessary to strengthen the Transport Corridor
Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA), ensuring that its mechanisms remain fully
effective under current conditions;
Emphasizing the importance of considering how to increase the efficiency
and effectiveness of the activities of the TRACECA Permanent Secretariat
and the Intergovernmental Commission;
Noting the importance of further enhancing the existing cooperation between
the three countries in developing international transport corridors
including within the TRACECA framework, in order to make the best use of
the high transit potential of Türkiye, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan;
Recognizing the importance of the application of information and
communication technologies in transport and logistics sector;
Appreciating the current format of trilateral cooperation between Türkiye,
Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan aimed at reinforcing their common objectives and
strengthening relations based on mutual benefit;
have declared the following:
The Parties;
1) Reaffirmed their determination to enhance cooperation on regional and
international issues of common interest and shared priorities;
2) Emphasised their support for joint actions to counter any attempts
undermining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of their States,
reiterating their unequivocal respect for territorial integrity of each
other’s States within their international borders;
3) Expressed their determination to continue their joint efforts to realize
full potential for cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, investment,
logistics and transit transportation, and acknowledged the critical role of
such collaboration in fostering regional prosperity;
4) Reiterated the common will to develop transport infrastructure, promote
the digitalization and facilitate trade flows along the Middle Corridor
within the broader connectivity agenda, including in synergy with other
relevant regional transport initiatives;
5) Underlined the importance of developing new infrastructure projects,
particularly digitalization of transport, border crossings and customs
procedures to increase the capacity and competitiveness of the Middle
6) Reiterated full support in advancing connectivity projects including
development the Baku International Sea Trade Port and the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars
railway to enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of the Middle
7) Reaffirmed their confidence that the Association of Logistics Centres
and Cargo Carriers, established in June 2024, with the objectives of
increasing cooperation among the main logistics centres, carriers and
stations, contributing to the development of transport infrastructure,
attracting investment through public-private partnerships, and finding
solutions for fast, regular and affordable freight transportation, and the
mechanism of the Meeting of Heads of OTS Transport Associations,
established in March 2024 to enhance the transport capacity of the Turkic
States and develop the private transport sector through practical
cooperation, will enable further cooperation on connectivity;
8) Expressed their satisfaction with the adoption of the
Plan of Actions
attached to this Joint Declaration, aimed at enhancing cooperation in the
field of transport and, strengthening of regional connectivity, and the
development of sustainable transport systems;
9) Expressed their satisfaction with the works initiated at the United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe on the application of eCMR
system, for digitalization of transport documents among OTS countries;
10) Recognized the benefits of e-Permit mechanism in digitalization
of transport operations, and eliminating the challenges that may arise from
the loss or misuse of paper permits and welcomed the implementation of
e-Permit system running in a test regime between Türkiye and Azerbaijan and
between Türkiye and Uzbekistan;
11)Expressed their readiness to provide necessary assistance in
facilitating transport of Uzbekistan’s cargo through the Middle Corridor;
12) Agreed to cooperate on enhancing regional transport, communication and
infrastructure, and exchange experience on the design, construction and
operation of railways, roads, logistics centres and airports;
13) Reiterated the importance of contributing to Azerbaijan's
reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts, including humanitarian demining,
in its Garabagh and Eastern Zangezur regions
liberated from occupation, by investing in infrastructure, modern public
services, and smart city solutions, thereby facilitating the safe and
dignified return of internally displaced persons.In this line, expressed
interest for realization of investment projects in Garabagh and Eastern
Zangezur economic regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
14) Confirmed their satisfaction with ongoing connectivity cooperation
under the umbrella of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) and welcomed
the signing and implementation of the following documents listed below,
which establish a robust legal framework for multilateral cooperation:
a) “Agreement on International Combined Freight Transport among
the Governments of the Member States of the Organization of Turkic
States”(11 November 2022, Samarkand);
b) “Transport Connectivity Program”
(11 November 2022, Samarkand);
c) “Joint Action Plan ("Roadmap") on the Implementation of the
Transport Connectivity Program of the Organization of Turkic States for
2023-2027” (3 November 2023, Astana);
d) “Memorandum of Understanding among the Member States of the
Organization of Turkic States Regarding Cooperation and Use of Electronic
Permit (e-Permit) in International Road Transport Operations”
(6 July 2024, Shusha).
15) Expressed their satisfaction with the signing of the following
documents in order to further develop the legal infrastructure that
strengthens trade and economic cooperation within the OTS:
a) “Agreement on Establishment of Simplified Customs Corridor among
the Governments of the Member States of the Organization of Turkic States”
(11 November 2022, Samarkand);
b) “Organization of Turkic States Trade Facilitation Strategy Paper”
(11 November 2022, Samarkand);
c) “Digital Economy Partnership Agreement between the Governments of
the Member States of the Organization of Turkic States”
(6 November 2024, Bishkek).
16) Underlined the contribution of the existing Joint Economic Commission
mechanisms to the development of cooperation in many areas, in particular
trade and economic relations, and reiterated the benefits of regular
17) Emphasized their confidence that making the Turkic Investment Fund
(TIF), established by the OTS on May 18, 2024 fully operational will
significantly boost trade, infrastructure, and development projects in
areas of mutual interest, including industrial production, transport,
agriculture, digital technologies, and tourism;
18) Committed to take necessary steps to enhance cooperation in the fields
of construction, contracting and related services, recognizing their
importance for strengthening trade, industry and economic relations;
19) Expressed their readiness to promote mutual investments across priority
sectors, expand direct contact among business circles, chambers of commerce
and industry, and business associations, and explore broader export/import
20) Pointed out the importance of strengthening networking among business
representatives and participants of the supply chain, improving
institutional coordination, and facilitating foreign trade transactions
within the context of greater connectivity;
21) Emphasized the importance of taking steps to accelerate trade in line
with Organization of Turkic States Trade Facilitation Strategy Paper,
adopted at the 9 th OTS Summit held in Samarkand on November 11,
2022, and welcomed Work Plan for 2025 of the Trade Facilitation Committee
of the OTS;
22) Underscored the determination to deepen practical cooperation in the
fields of industry, innovation and digital development, digital trade and
digitalization of customs procedures;
23) Emphasized the importance of strengthening technical cooperation in
food security, agriculture, food processing and related R&D,
acknowledging the need for sustainable and resilient agricultural value
24) Expressed their determination to discuss broader possibilities for
energy cooperation, with particular focus on renewables to strengthen
regional energy security;
25) Agreed to strengthen cooperation and exchange information and
experience in fields of environment, climate change and urbanization,
particularly through Zero Waste initiatives, afforestation, and promote
the implementation of the special resolution adopted by the United Nations
General Assembly on declaring the Aral Sea Region a zone of ecological
innovations and technologies, while also recognizing the need for
environmental remediation, including mine clearance and sustainable
reconstruction, especially in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan;
26) Welcomed the successful organization by the Republic of Azerbaijan of
the 29 th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) and expressed strong support
for its ongoing Presidency, pledging to align with and participate to COP
29 Action Agenda’s ambitious and comprehensive initiatives aimed to align
climate action with sustainable development;
27) Highly appreciated COP29 regional legacy built within the framework of
OTS by signing Declarations for establishment of OTS Partnership on
Climate, Innovation, Green Economy and Trade, and OTS Forum of Climate
Resilient Villages;
28) Welcomed the Chairmanship of Azerbaijan in CICA under the theme of
“Stronger CICA, connectivity, digitalization and sustainable growth in
Asia”, and expressed their readiness to contribute to the implementation of
Chairmanship priorities, which include initiatives of common interest;
29) Underlined that lasting peace, stability, prosperity, security and
socio-economic development in Afghanistan is an important factor in
ensuring security in Central Asia and the importance of continuing the
efforts of the international community to provide uninterrupted
humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people; reaffirmed their confidence
that the outputs of the OTS Working Group on Afghanistan, established in
accordance with the Declaration of the 11th OTS Summit of the Council of
Heads of State in Bishkek on November 6, 2024, will contribute to
preparation of a common approach of the OTS Member States on Afghanistan;
expressed the importance of the Trans-Afghan Railway Project, which will
strengthen interregional transport and economic connectivity, increase
trade flows and create new opportunities for economic relations between the
30) Exchanged views on the situation in the Middle East, and welcomed the
announcement of ceasefire in Gaza calling for its strict implementation by
all parties to ensure ending all attacks and atrocities, and unhindered
access of Palestinians to humanitarian assistance, and called for just and
lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of a
two-state solution with an independent, sovereign and geographically
contiguous State of Palestine based on 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as
its capital, and welcomed the UN General Assembly Resolution of 10 May 2024
declaring that the State of Palestine is eligible for membership of the UN
and should therefore be admitted;
31) Agreed to act together toward the shared goals of global and regional
stability, peace and prosperity, to coordinate on issues of common interest
at international organizations and multilateral platforms such as the
United Nations and its specialized agencies, the Organization for Security
and Cooperation in Europe, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the
Organization of Turkic States, the Economic Cooperation Organization, the
Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, and to
provide mutual support to the draft resolutions, initiatives and
candidacies submitted by the parties in international organizations within
their capabilities.
The Azerbaijani and Uzbek Sides expressed their deep gratitude to the
Turkish Side for the successful organization of the meeting.
It has been agreed to hold the Third Trilateral Meeting in the Republic of
Azerbaijan on a mutually agreed date.
Signed in the city of Ankara, on January 29, 2025 in three original copies,
each in English.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Türkiye
H. Fidan
Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Azerbaijan
J. Bayramov
Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Uzbekistan
B. Saidov
Minister of Trade of
the Republic of Türkiye
Ö. Bolat
Minister of Economy of
the Republic of Azerbaijan
M. Jabbarov
Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade
of the Republic of Uzbekistan
L. Kudratov
Minister of Transport
and Infrastructure of
the Republic of Türkiye
A. Uraloğlu
Minister of Digital Development and Transport of the
Republic of Azerbaijan
R. Nabiyev
Minister of Transport of
the Republic of Uzbekistan
I. Mahkamov