Press Releases, Statements, Notes/Articles and Letters INITIATIVE BY TURKEY ON CYPRUS, 24 JANUARY 2006 Cyprus a reminder CYPRUS: WHAT HAS HAPPENED? Highlights of the UNSG´s report Cyprus (Historical Overview) What the World Said Before the Referanda What the World said After the Referanda The Annan Plan and the Greek Cypriot “NO”: False Reasons and Claims Greek Cypriot state terror revealed Confidence Building Measures (1992-1994) Meaningful Anniversary Of The Cyprus Peace Operation Turkish Parliament Proclaims Solidarity With TRNC And Demands Equal Treatment For The Two States On The Island Resolution By The Turkish Grand National Assembly On 21 January 1997 Circular Note Sent To The Embassies Of The EU Member States Concerning The Greek Cypriot Application To The EU, 30 June 1997 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on the establishment of an Association Council Resolution Adopted By The Legislative Assembly of The TRNC March 9, 1998 Aide-Memoire By The TRNC To The British High Commission In Nicosia, 26 March 1998 Documents Given By President Denktas To The UN Secretary-General During Their Meeting In Geneva- 28 March 1998 Resolution of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, 15 July 1999 Treaty Provisions And Basic Documents With Regard To The EU Membership Of Cyprus British Professor of International Law Prof. H. Mendelson Q.C.'s opinion on the legal aspects of the one-sided membership application of the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus to the European Union Final communique of the annual coordination meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the States members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference ( United Nations, New York 28 September 2004, 14 Shaa'ban 1425 H - para. related to Cyprus) Report of the Secretary-General Kofi Annan on his Mission of Good Offices in Cyprus, 28 May 2004 Report of the Secretary-General Annan on the United Nations operation in in Cyprus, 3 December 2007 The Status of the Two Peoples in Cyprus Edited By Necati Münir Ertekün Greek Cypriot Attempts To Purchase Missiles From Russia And The Resulting Danger For The Peace And Stability In Cyprus EU and Cyprus:An Expert View Opinion of Professor M.H. Mendelson Q.C on the Application of “the Republic of Cyprus” to Join the European Union Grand Deception, Korkmaz HAKTANIR, Founding Member of the Cyprus Foundation '' BARBARIE A CHYPRE '' Le Soir Illustré 1967 The Need for New Perspective on Cyprus
The mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus was decided to extend for a further period of six months until December 15, 2002 - 14 June 2002

UN Security Council (UNSC), at its meeting on 13 June 2002, decided to extend the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) for a further period of six months until 15 December 2002.

Turkey supports the content of the Statement made by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) on this matter.

Evidently, the operations of the UNFICYP in Northern Cyprus have so far been carried out with the cooperation of the authorities of the TRNC. By expressing in the UNSC Resolution 1416 (2002) that the mandate of the UNFICYP has been extended with the consent of the “Government of Cyprus”, the fact that there is no joint political authority based on the partnership of both parties representing the entire Island since 1963 has been disregarded.

The consent and approval of Turkey and the TRNC with regard to the extension of the mandate of the UNFICYP have neither been reflected in the UNSC Resolution 1416 nor in the UN Secretary-General’s Report on the UNFICYP. By doing so, the need for a separate arrangement to be made with the Turkish Cypriot side on the modalities of the UNFICYP’s operations in Northern Cyprus has once again been ignored, and the well-established and accepted UN principle that peacekeeping forces can operate only with the consent of the concerned parties has been violated. It is not possible for Turkey to accept this Resolution, which does not take into consideration the political equality and equal status of both parties in the Island.

This resolution of the UNSC is also contrary to the basic understanding underlying the current negotiating process and does not help to the efforts in search of a settlement to the Cyprus issue.