NO:137 - 31 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Meeting of the Representatives of the Kirkuk Provincial Council NO:136 - 30 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Fourth Round of the Indirect Peace Talks Between Syria and Israel Under the Auspices of Turkey NO:135 - 29 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Abhorrent Terrorist Attacks on 25 and 26 July in Bangalore and Ahmedabad, India NO:133 - 28 July 2008, Terror Attack in the Iraqi City of Kirkuk on 28 July. NO:132 - 25 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Decision of the Two Leaders in Cyprus To Start Negotiations on September 3, 2008 NO:130 - 22 July 2008, Turkey Welcomes the Arrest of the Bosnian Serb War Criminal Radovan Karadzic By Serbian Authorities NO:128 - 16 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Visit of National Security Advisor of the Republic of India M.K. Narayanan (Unofficial Translation) NO:127 - 16 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Manouchehr Mottaki (Unofficial Translation) NO:126 - 16 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Visit of the Chairman of the African Union Commission Jean Ping to Turkey (Unofficial Translation) NO:125 - 15 July 2008, Press Release Regarding Turkey's Pledge for Kosovo at the Kosovo Donors’ Conference (Unofficial Translation) No:124 - 11 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Establishment of the National Unity Government Among the Lebanese Groups in Doha. NO:122 - 9 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Abhorrent Armed Attack in front of the USA Consulate General in Istanbul (Unofficial Translation) NO:121 - 8 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Heinous Terrorist Attacks in Islamabad (Unofficial Translation) NO:120 - 4 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Official Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Babacan To Malaysia for D-8 Summit NO:119 - 3 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Third Round of the Indirect Peace Talks Between Syria and Israel Under the Auspices of Turkey (Unofficial Translation)
NO:120 - 4 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Official Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Babacan To Malaysia for D-8 Summit
The Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Babacan will be visiting Malaysia between 6-8 July 2008 as head of the Turkish Delegation which will participate in the Developing Eight Countries (D-8) Summit to take place on 8 July 2008 in Kuala Lumpur.

The Minister will also take part in the 11th Meeting of the D-8 Council of Ministers, along with the Ministers concerned of Malaysia, Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Nigeria, to be held before the Summit on 6 July in Kuala Lumpur.