NO:137 - 31 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Meeting of the Representatives of the Kirkuk Provincial Council NO:136 - 30 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Fourth Round of the Indirect Peace Talks Between Syria and Israel Under the Auspices of Turkey NO:135 - 29 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Abhorrent Terrorist Attacks on 25 and 26 July in Bangalore and Ahmedabad, India NO:133 - 28 July 2008, Terror Attack in the Iraqi City of Kirkuk on 28 July. NO:132 - 25 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Decision of the Two Leaders in Cyprus To Start Negotiations on September 3, 2008 NO:130 - 22 July 2008, Turkey Welcomes the Arrest of the Bosnian Serb War Criminal Radovan Karadzic By Serbian Authorities NO:128 - 16 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Visit of National Security Advisor of the Republic of India M.K. Narayanan (Unofficial Translation) NO:127 - 16 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Manouchehr Mottaki (Unofficial Translation) NO:126 - 16 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Visit of the Chairman of the African Union Commission Jean Ping to Turkey (Unofficial Translation) NO:125 - 15 July 2008, Press Release Regarding Turkey's Pledge for Kosovo at the Kosovo Donors’ Conference (Unofficial Translation) No:124 - 11 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Establishment of the National Unity Government Among the Lebanese Groups in Doha. NO:122 - 9 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Abhorrent Armed Attack in front of the USA Consulate General in Istanbul (Unofficial Translation) NO:121 - 8 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Heinous Terrorist Attacks in Islamabad (Unofficial Translation) NO:120 - 4 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Official Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Babacan To Malaysia for D-8 Summit NO:119 - 3 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Third Round of the Indirect Peace Talks Between Syria and Israel Under the Auspices of Turkey (Unofficial Translation)
NO:126 - 16 July 2008, Press Release Regarding the Visit of the Chairman of the African Union Commission Jean Ping to Turkey (Unofficial Translation)
The Chairman of the African Union Commission Jean Ping will pay a visit to Turkey from 16 to 17 July 2008 upon the invitation of Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Babacan.

As it is known, Turkey became an observer country of the African Union in 2005 and has been declared as a strategic partner by the African Union in January 2008. At the talks to be held between Minister Babacan and Chairman Ping, bilateral relations between Turkey and the African Union, preparations of the Turkey-Africa Cooperation Summit to be held in İstanbul in August, will be discussed and an exchange of views will take place on regional and international issues of interest to both sides.

The Chairman of the Commission of the African Union will be received by President Abdullah Gül and Prime Minister Erdoğan.