NO:39 - 1 March 2007, Press Release Regarding the Defence Cooperation Agreement;between France and the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (Unofficial Translation) A:19 - ;13 March 2007,;Announcement Regarding the 5th World Water Forum and Ministerial Conference in Istanbul in March 2009, in cooperation with the World Water Council. (Unofficial translation) A:22 - 15 March 2007,;Announcement Regarding the Fifth Donor Committee meeting of the International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq (IRFFI);in Istanbul on 20th March 2007. (Unofficial translation) QA:13 - 20 March 2007, Statement of the Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey in Response to a Question (Unofficial Translation) NO:43 - 7 March 2007, Press Release Regarding the Heinous Terrorist Attack in Hillah,Iraq (Unofficial Translation) NO:44 - 8 March 2007, Press Statement Regarding;a one-day meeting;in Baghdad, on March 10th, 2007, (Unofficial translation) NO:45 - 9 March 2007, Press Release Regarding the verdict of the Court against Doğu Perinçek in Switzerland;(Unofficial Translation) NO:47 -;17 March 2007, Press Release Regarding the Newly Established National Unity Government in Palestine (Unofficial Translation) NO:48 - 20 March 2007,;Press Release Regarding the 115th meeting of the Turkey-EC Association Committee;in Brussels on 22 March, 2007.(Unofficial Translation) NO:49 - 20 March 2007, Press Release Regarding the visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Abdullah Gül to the Republic of Macedonia on 21 March 2007 (Unofficial Translation) NO:50 -;23 March 2007, Press Release Regarding the Eleventh Meeting of the Turkish-Greek Steering Committee (Unofficial Translation) NO:51 - 23 March 2007, Press Release Regarding the;working visit of;;Mrs. Margaret Beckett, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom ;to Turkey (Unofficial Translation) NO:53 - 28 March 2007, Press Release Regarding The Second Meeting at Deputy Level of the Intergovernmental Conference on Turkey’s Accession to the EU;on 29 March 2007 in Brussels.;(Unofficial Translation) NO:54 - 29 March 2007, Press Release Regarding the;Bomb Attacks;Targeted Innocent Civilians in Telafer City in Iraq (Unofficial Translation) NO:55; - 29 March 2007, Press Release Regarding;the EU Informal Foreign Ministers Meeting.; (Unofficial Translation) NO:56 - 30 March 2007, Press Release Regarding the 15 British sailors, who were taken into custody by Iran in the Persian Gulf on the grounds that they had violated the Iranian territorial waters.; (Unofficial Translation)
NO:39 - 1 March 2007, Press Release Regarding the Defence Cooperation Agreement;between France and the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (Unofficial Translation)


We have been informed that a Defence Cooperation Agreement has been signed between France and the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus.

Following the publication of news in the Greek Cypriot press regarding this issue last July, in our demarches with the French authorities, we drew their attention to the fact that such an agreement would be against the 1960 Treaties; would constitute a threat to the stability in the Eastern Mediterranean; and would also adversely affect efforts for a comprehensive settlement under the UN. In this context, we asked the French authorities to refrain from taking such a step which is closely related to Turkey’s rights and interests.

Turkey would like to emphasize once again the following:

- The fragile balance established by the 1960 Treaties in the Island of Cyprus and in Eastern Mediterranean is safeguarded by the rights of Guarantor countries.

- The said Defence Cooperation Agreement is against the 1960 Treaties on Cyprus.

- Signing of a bilateral military agreement between France and the Greek Cypriot Administration is a cause of concern.

- The Greek Cypriot Administration is neither entitled nor authorized to sign an agreement of this nature. We would like to recall that the Greek Cypriot Administration does not represent the Turkish Cypriots or the Island as a whole and that it does not have the right to act on behalf of the Turkish Cypriots or the whole Island.

- Moreover, this agreement runs counter to the framework and the parameters of a settlement under the UN.

- This Agreement will further reinforce the intransigent attitude of the Greek Cypriot side and therefore will seriously damage the efforts for a comprehensive settlement.

- The said Agreement is null and void both for Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

- The Greek Cypriot Administration which tries to expand the Cyprus problem to the Eastern Mediterranean by its recent attitude and actions, continues to be a source of instability in the Region.